Show Tier Info

This feature is used to view the tier information that constitutes the overview of the tier, and the health of various servers and instances. To view the tier information, right-click on the tier and click the Show Tier Info option as shown in Figure 105.

Figure 105: Show Tier Info

The Tier Info dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 106.

Figure 106: Tier Info Dialog Box

The Tier Info section is composed of two tabs – Overview and Health.


The overview tab contains the overall information of the server health that consists of TPS, Response time, and CPU usage. The server health is demonstrated with different colors. Green represents normal, yellow represents major, and red represents critical servers in terms of percentage.

Figure 107: Overview Tab


The health tab displays the information on the server and instances along with their health.

Figure 108: Health Tab

Show FlowMap for Selected Tier

By default, the system displays a FlowMap of all the tiers. Using this feature, you can view the FlowMap of the selected tier only. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on a tier, and click the Show FlowMap for Selected Tier option as shown in Figure 109.
Figure 109: Show Flowmap For Selected Tier

2. System displays FlowMap of the selected tier only. You also have the option to whether you want to view the flowmap upto level 1 or for all levels as shown in Figure 111.

Figure 110: Flowmap Window

3. To go back and view the FlowMap of all tiers, right-click on the tier and click the Show Full FlowMap option as shown in Figure 111.

Figure 111: Show Full Flowmap Option

4. The system displays a full FlowMap as shown in the below Figure 112.

Figure 112: Full Flow Map

Hide Tier Integration

By default, a tier is displayed with its associated integration points. Using this feature, you can hide the tier integration points. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps.

  1. Right-click on a tier, and click the Hide Tier Integration option as shown in Figure 113.
Figure 113: Hide Tier Integration

2. The integration point of the selected tier is hidden from the panel as shown in below figure.

Figure 114: Hide Tier Integration

Note: To see the hidden tier, click on show tier integration as shown in below figure.

Figure 115: Show Tier Integration Option

3. To view the tier integration, right-click the tier and click the Show Tier Integration option as shown in Figure 116. The System displays the tier integration.

Figure 116: Show Tier Integration Window

Change Icon

By default, the tier icon is displayed as. You can also change this icon according to your need. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on a tier, and click the Change Icon option as shown in Figure 117.
Figure 117: Change Icon Option

2. The Changed Icon dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 118.

Figure 118: Change Icon Dialog Box

3. Click Choose to browse the icon file (to set the new icon), and then click Upload. The tier icon is changed based on the selection.

Figure 119: Choose Icon File from Local

4. Once the user has selected the file to be chosen from their local, the file which has been selected will be displayed as shown in Figure 120.

Figure 120: Change icon dialog box with selected icon


  • Once the user has selected the file, the user has to click on the Upload icon to upload the file. If a user does not want to upload the file, the user has to click on the Cancel  
  • The user can also close the Change Icon window by clicking on the Close icon. 

Flowpath Search

This feature is used to search a FlowPath by providing Correlation ID, FlowPath ID, or both, as a search parameter. Suppose, there are various FlowPath displays (with FlowPath ID and Correlation ID) on the FlowPath report window, and you have to search for a particular one, then you can use the search feature.

For this, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on a tier and click the Search By option. 
Figure 121: Search by Option

2. The Search By dialog box is displayed. It has three tabs – Standard, Custom, and Logs. You can search a FlowPath using any of these three options.

  • Standard:
    • Select the tier(s) from the drop-down list.
    • Specify the Correlation ID/FlowPath ID, or both.
    • You can also specify the mode of searching, such as ‘exact’, ‘starts with’, ‘ends with’, and ‘contains
Figure 122: Standard Tab


  1. Select the tier(s) from the drop-down list.
  2. Select a name from ‘storeid’, ‘terminalid’, and ‘associateid’ in the drop-down list.
  3. Specify the operation of searching, such as ‘equal’, ‘starts with’, ‘ends with’, and ‘contains’.
  4. Provide the value, and then click the add button to add the custom rule for searching.
Figure 123: Custom Tab
  • Logs:
  1. Select the tier(s) from the drop-down list.
  2. Specify the Correlation ID/FlowPath ID, or both.
  3. Provide the pattern
Figure 124: Logs Tab
  1. Click the Search button. The system searches for that particular FlowPath whose Correlation ID/Flowpath ID are provided and displays the result.
Figure 125: Flowpath List

Note: If the FlowPath does not exist with the provided FlowPath ID/Correlation ID, then the system displays a message – No records were found based on current Filter Settings.

Searching Flowpaths using Multiple Correlation IDs

You can also search related FlowPaths by targeting multiple correlation IDs for a tier. You can search multiple correlation IDs in the Flowpath report. There are two ways of searching it:

  • Search Flowpath: As you can access it through Application End-to-End View.
  • End-to-End View: Right click on a Tier > click search by > enter the Correlation ID in the Standard Flowpath.
Figure 126: Search Flowpath Window

The searched correlation id is displayed in the Flowpath report.

Figure 127: Searched Flowpath ID